by Thomas Etienne

The best school for me would be one where I could interact with the world around me. For example, to learn about history, students would simply go to a museum instead of sitting in a classroom.

In order to understand something in science, for example, I could simply disassemble an object to find out how it works. The real place where I would feel like myself would be outside the walls of the classroom.
An outdoor environment would be more motivating to learn new things.
And this way of learning might help me understand more material than a regular indoor class. I would be more attentive, less nervous, happier, and more interested in doing the work. I learned that because I have ADHD, my dopamine levels are low.

This can affect my mood, focus and motivation. And I guess if my dopamine level can be increased, it would be more enjoyable for me to understand all the concepts I need to learn in school.
That would be my ideal school.
Merci beaucoup Fadhila pour le message d'encouragement
Bon travail Thomas, tu es sur la bonne voie. Bonne courage